Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vintage Knit Hatband

I am rarely able to watch television shows in real time and I have not made the leap to DVR yet.

Netflix is by far my favorite creation of this far. I have been known to consume entire seasons of a television show in a weekend.

My most recent obcession is Mad Men. AMC's period drama depicting the complicated relationships of men and women in the early 1960's. I just love the detail...the furniture ...the is something to behold.

Learning to knit has conincided with this obsession...and in one episode, Sally Draper ( the daughter of the main character) was dressed in her darling little coat and the DARLING little hatband.

I realized that there is nothing in the way of warm, feminine head gear for little girls these days.

I was on a mission.
After two hours seeking out a vintage knitting pattern for this "darling little hat" that had no name.... I finally found it... THE HATBAND...circa 1961.

So, it was off to Hobby Lobby for a set of #5 and #8 needles and some fuzzy, girly yarn....

....and I whipped up a precious little hat that will accomadate pigtails and ponytails and still keep their little ears warm.

I simply stitched some premade felt flowers on the side for that little extra....something.

For you knitters...since I can't seem to locate the illusive is the pattern!
No. 693 Hatband
Gauge: 9 sts. = 1 inch
  • With No. 5 needles cast on 4 sts. for tie string and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 12 inches.
  • Change to No. 8 needlesand garter stitch. Increase 1 st. in each st. (8 sts.)
  • Work even for 2 rows. Incr. 1 st. in each st. (16 sts.)
  • Change to stock. st. and keep the first and last 3 sts. on needle in garter st. for border.
  • Increase 1 st. after and before the 3 border sts. every K row until there are 24 sts. on needle. ( I would make this more like 20 for a little girl)
  • work even until piece measures 12.5 inches above tie string.
  • Decr. 1 st. after and before the 3 border sts. every K row until there are 16 sts. on the needle
  • Change to garter st. and K2 tog. across row (8 sts.)
  • Work even for 2 rows
  • K2 together across row (4 sts.)
  • Change back to No. 5 needles for tie string and work in ribbing K1, P1 for 12 in.
  • Bind off.

1 comment:

Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

Lovin' the Hat Band!!!! I am SO impressed!